Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Mission in America
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
Thursday Nov 22, 2018
As we close the first season of WFS, we talk about something near and dear to our hearts. Carrying out Christ's mission in the United States is urgent for the American church. We talk about what our mission field is, why America needs the gospel, and what part we have in Jesus’ harvest work.
As mentioned in the third part, visit badlandslutheran.org to learn more about mission work in western North Dakota.
Join us again soon for a new season of WFS!
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. Adam KoontzEpisode: 42
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Hardening of the Conscience
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
This one's packed, as we discuss conscience and hardness of heart. What is the human conscience? How does it work? And what does it have to do with hardening? What about Biblical examples like Pharaoh and King Saul? How does hardening of conscience work out in our day and age? We're only just scratching the surface of some major topics this week on WFS.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. David AppoldEpisode: 41
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Walther on Care for the Dying
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Thursday Nov 08, 2018
Through Christ death has lost its sting, but how does a Christian face that final enemy? We discuss caring for the dying, funerals, cemeteries, and burials. As we bring the series on Walther's pastoral theology to an end, it's fitting to end with end things.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. Adam KoontzEpisode: 40
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
The End Times continue to fascinate Christians. Since the beginning of the Church, the faithful have awaited the return of the Savior. However, there are many different understandings of how this will come to pass. How can a Christian discern between so many different viewpoints? Join us as we discuss a few of these competing theories and talk about how one should understand eschatology.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideEpisode: 39
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Ulrik Vilhelm Koren
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Ulrik Vilhem Koren listened to God's call to serve the Norwegian immigrants settling on the American plains despite great personal cost. Leaving behind a comfortable life, Koren led the fledgling Norwegian Synod through many difficulties and controversies, leaving behind a legacy that deserves to be remembered. Prof. Mark DeGarmeaux talks about the history and background of Koren, Norwegian Lutheranism, and the challenges of the American scene.
For Koren's important work "An Accounting," please visit our website.
Photo courtesy of ELS Ottesen Museum.
Host: Rev. Zelwyn HeideGuest: Prof. Mark DeGarmeaux, Professor of Religious Studies, Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato, MNEpisode: 38
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Walther on Pastoral Care
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
Thursday Oct 18, 2018
God's Word is healing for every soul, and God's men apply its healing power to congregations and to individual Christians in all kinds of situations. We discuss pastoral visits, sickness, legal difficulties, and demonic possession in an episode packed with everything you love about WFS.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. Adam KoontzEpisode: 37
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Prophets, Signs, and Obedience
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
Thursday Oct 11, 2018
The prophets of old were mouthpieces of the Lord. Besides their words, their lives were also caught up in that calling, even when the Lord commanded them to do some unusual things. What would compel a man to marry a prostitute, to walk about naked for 3 years, to wear stocks around his own neck, and to eat bread baked over dung? What do any of these things have to do with the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ? And do these rather odd examples apply to the life of the Church? Join us for all this and more on this week's episode.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. David AppoldEpisode: 36
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Unity in the Church
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
The unity of the Church: easy to affirm, but difficult to see. How are Christians united with each other? What is the difference between an imaginary unity and a real one? Join us as we discuss the doctrine of the Church’s unity, focusing on its Biblical basis, the role of the Lutheran confessions, and the nature of adiaphora.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideEpisode: 35
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Hearing the Word
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Faith comes by hearing. Because preaching is the chief means of grace, not only is what we hear important, but also how we hear it. How can we best prepare to hear Gods Word when it is preached? What should our expectations be? How does that influence how we hear a sermon? How can we better hear the written Word? What about Bible class? Join us as we discuss hearing the Word in practical ways.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. David AppoldEpisode: 34
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Walther on Confirmation
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
What is confirmation, and why do so many people care so much about it? We look at what Walther said about confirmation, youth ministry, and the wisdom of providing clear instruction for faith and life to young Christians.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. Adam KoontzEpisode: 33
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.