Thursday May 16, 2019
Canon, Time, and the Messiah
Thursday May 16, 2019
Thursday May 16, 2019
WFS goes on the road to sit down with Dr. Andrew Steinmann to discuss a number of topics. How do we determine the Old Testament canon? Why is Esther and the Song of Songs in the Bible? Why is time important in the Bible? What unifies the book of Genesis? Dr. Steinmann brings his insights into all these questions and more in this special episode of WFS.
Links to books mentioned in the podcast may be found on the website.
Host: Rev. Zelwyn HeideGuest: Rev. Dr. Andrew Steinmann, Distinguished Professor of Theology and Hebrew, Concordia University ChicagoEpisode: 61
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday May 09, 2019
The Idols of Canaan
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
While idolatry remains a continual threat to God's people, Israel faced a strong temptation because of the surrounding Canaanites and their religious practices. One such example that occurs frequently in the Old Testament is the worship of the Canaanite goddess Asherah, whose poles were set up even in the temple during the last days of the kingdom. Dr. Walter A. Maier III joins us to discuss idolatry and Canaanite religion in particular and what we can learn from Israel's example today.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideGuest: Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier III, Professor of Exegetical Theology, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IndianaEpisode: 60
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday May 02, 2019
A Pastor's Private Life
Thursday May 02, 2019
Thursday May 02, 2019
Loehe describes a pastor as leading a private and a public life. Yet as important as his public life is, it begins first in private. How should a pastor study? What does it mean to reflect on God's Word? Does piety make you a Pietist? Join us for our continuing discussion of Loehe's book "The Pastor."
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. David AppoldEpisode: 59
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
The Storm Breaks: The Breakup of the Synodical Conference
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
Thursday Apr 25, 2019
The Synodical Conference not only broke over issues of fellowship, but also over a different understanding of the Word, which would lead to further problems in the Missouri Synod leading up to the walkout in 1974. Dr. Braun joins us to talk about issues of Scripture, the breakup itself, and where the Wisconsin Synod has gone since the 1960s.
Links to resources related to this podcast may be found on the website.
Host: Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. Adam KoontzGuest: Rev. Dr. Mark Braun, Professor of Theology, Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, WIEpisode: 58
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Let My People Go
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Thursday Apr 18, 2019
Our Lord stretches out His hand to strike Egypt with His wonders. Come with us as we study Moses, Pharaoh, and God's deliverance of His people from Egypt. Learn about Egyptian religion in conflict with the one true faith. Hear of the historic miracles and signs the Lord God performs. We discuss why the Passover happened, why it matters, and how it is fulfilled.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideEpisode: 57
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
The Council of Ephesus
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Thursday Apr 11, 2019
Theodosius II convoked the Third Ecumenical Council at Ephesus to settle a controversy between Nestorius of Constantinople and Cyril of Alexandria. The debate began over the term theotokos, the Mother of God, but it soon became clear that nothing less than rightly understanding how Jesus is both God and man was at stake. Yet, as the questionable politics and personal animosities of the council demonstrate, church history is not about triumph leading to triumph, but God preserving His Church and His truth even with fallible men. Join us for a discussion of the history and theology of the Council of Ephesus.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideEpisode: 56
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
The Gathering Storm: The Breakup of the Synodical Conference
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
When it began in 1872, C.F.W. Walther dreamed that the Synodical Conference might lead to organic unity among confessional Lutherans. When it ended in 1967, its demise drove a wedge between confessional Lutherans that persists to this day. The Wisconsin Synod and the Missouri Synod were formerly in full fellowship with one another, but no longer. Rev. Dr. Mark Braun joins us to discuss the tensions between the two synods which led to the final break.
Links to resources related to this podcast may be found on the website.
Host: Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. Adam KoontzGuest: Rev. Dr. Mark Braun, Professor of Theology, Wisconsin Lutheran College, Milwaukee, WIEpisode: 55
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
The Sabbath Made for Man
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Thursday Mar 28, 2019
Our Lord teaches clearly that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. What does this mean, and why is Sabbath rest essential for this world and for the life of the world to come?
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. Adam KoontzEpisode: 54
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Loehe on Starting in the Office
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
Thursday Mar 21, 2019
After advising the student of theology, Loehe continues by giving insight into how a pastor should begin his work in a new parish, especially young pastors going into the parish for the first time. Join us as we delve into the next chapter of Loehe's book and tackle issues like not attempting to do too much too quickly, the pastor's public and social life, and the need for self-control.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. David AppoldEpisode: 53
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Christian Discipline
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Strive to enter by the narrow gate. Press onward toward the goal. The Holy Spirit describes the Christian life in active, even violent, terms. How should we pursue God? What do our spiritual weapons look like? How do we run in pursuit of the prize while remembering that we are saved by grace? Join us as we discuss Christian discipline and what it looks like in our daily lives.
Hosts: Rev. Willie Grills and Rev. Zelwyn HeideRegular Guest: Rev. Aaron UphoffEpisode: 52
Find articles and other podcast episodes on our website: wordfitlyspoken.orgFollow us on Twitter: @wordfitlySend us a message: podcast@wordfitlyspoken.orgSubscribe to the podcast: RSS Feed, iTunes, Spotify, or your favorite podcasting app.